Monday, May 14, 2012

Humor and Homocide

 We wrapped up The Art Emporium's production of "Arsenic and Old Lace" yesterday.  For those unaware "Arsenic and Old Lace" is a play about two little old ladies who poison lonely old men and bury them in their cellar.  One wouldn't think that would make for a humorous play but it was absolutely hilarious.  And Lord knows, I could use a laugh this past week.  More than that I needed the feeling that I got from being a part of this group. I will NEVER be on stage, I'm more of a backstage kind of girl but being even a small part of this group means the world to me.  Over the weeks of rehearsal, through the blood, sweat, and tears there is a bond that is forged that can not be broken.

They may be a crazy family, but they're my crazy family and I love them.


  1. Backstage girl? I have tons of memories to the contrary, my dear! But glad you're having fun, either way. :)

  2. Haha April, let me clarify I will never ACT on a stage. Dancing I can do no matter the size of the crowd, speaking on the other hand is a no go.
