Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why a Blog?

Well, I did it. I decided to start a blog. And let me tell you, just getting to this point, to putting words on paper, or screen as it were, has been a journey. Have you ever tried to name a space that is supposed to encapsulate your inner most thoughts? And have it be a name that 400 other people haven't already used? Not as easy as one would think. So, I guess you're wondering why I would start a blog. Good question. Well, last week I read a book about a woman who started a blog after losing her job. As it turns out,in the end one of her crazy followers tracked her down and tried to kill her. This is where a rational person would think "maybe blogging isn't such a great idea". But then last night I read a true story online, about a woman who went missing in Anchorage. For those that don't know, my brother also went missing from Anchorage so this hits close to home. But I'll be talking more about him later. So anyway, back to the story from last night. A woman went missing from Anchorage and it received little media attention. It turns out that the woman was a blogger and had followers from all over the country, those followers contacted the police and began a campaign to get the word out for their "friend". These people, who had never met face to face, felt a connection with this woman through her writing. And that is powerful stuff.

So here we are. I don't have lofty ambitions of changing the world, but making it brighter for even one person would be pretty, flippin' sweet.


  1. I didn't really think about anything when I set up my blog sight except for "hummm, what am I thinking and or feeling today" and "wow, the first thing I wanna write about is how much I miss my kiddos"! LOL!! So hopefully no one thats feeling a bit sparky and wack will not want to track me down and harm me for that! Haha..just sayin'!
    Anyway, personally, my dear sweet niece, I love that you and I are blogging and I certainly hope that in one way or another just as you do, hope to touch someone with a smile, a tear, or words that can make their day a little brighter if their having a tough day!
    Welcome to part of our world today, right :-)

  2. Good for you, Courtney. Blogging is fun and can be very cathartic too.

  3. I just read this: "Next time you’re chattering away to no one, just tell yourself (out loud) that you’re boosting your brain power. A new study has found that talking to yourself actually improves your memory, at least temporarily"
    Gotta love it!

    I agree with Olivia, this is going to be FUN!

  4. Courney, having a blog is perhaps the most therapeutic thing I have ever done. I am not real consistent, but I can say things there that I can't seem to say out loud. I put it out there in "cyberspace" and those who are interested can read it; those who are not can pass. I can express my anger and frustration without upsetting someone as often happens when you do that face to face. I can share my joys and triumphs and my fears. It is indeed powerful. Keep up the good work. I love you!

  5. Yes Courtney, keep it up! I'm not consistent either, but I do enjoy it.
