Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Savor the Little Things

My absolute favorite part of the day, every single day, is sitting in bed with my husband at night.  He on his phone or reading a book and I on my phone or watching Netflix.  And here comes my favorite part...he will reach over and place a hand on my back or my arm and gently stroke it.  Nope that doesn't sound right, I even used a thesaurus to try and find the right word.  Not rub, not massage, not stroke.  Well anyway, he will reach over and place a hand on my back.  And even though we are each doing our own thing, in our own little world, it's like we're connected.  The rest of the world just drops away.  Everything bad that happened that day is forgotten and everything good that happened is multiplied.  And I feel so loved in that moment, it always brings a smile to my face.

But then fast forward approximately 8 hours...when I roll over to get up in the morning and he reaches over to do the same thing.  And I could rip his arm off and beat him to death with it.  It is amazing to me what a lack of sleep will do to a person.  I've never been a great sleeper.  When I was younger I didn't need a lot of sleep but now I have a hard time falling asleep and once I do fall asleep I can't stay asleep.  Oh, and did I mention that I'm not a morning person?  The only time I am a morning person is when I'm on vacation.  Every other morning just leave me be.  When I used to waitress I had a rule for the other waiters not to talk to me until noon.  If they tried, I would just point to my wrist where a figurative watch resided.

All of this to say that I adore my husband but God help him in the morning.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Decisions, decisions...

So I thought that I should write something every day to keep the practice up, but then I thought that I shouldn't write unless I have something actually meaningful to say.  Not profoundly earth shattering meaningful but that I should write with a purpose.  But today nothing is coming to me, no funny stories, no life changing diatribes, no commentary on the human existence.  So how about this?  I'll try to make a list of topics to discuss and you all are free to suggest topics as well.  Want to know my thoughts on global warming?  Want to hear about my favorite trip?  Want to know the name of my first pet?  Drop me a note and I will try to hit them all.  Otherwise I'll probably only update the blog when the mood strikes me, which if history has taught us anything could be awhile.

P.S.  Be warned though, much to my Dad's amusement I am becoming more like him everyday.  Which means don't ask my opinion on something unless you really want to hear it.  My filter is often broken and my give a damn is busted.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

I'm Back


Ok, so here's the deal.  I stopped blogging back in 2013 and since then a lot of life has happened, sold a business, started another one, changed jobs, was blessed with a grand baby, experienced heart break that caused me literal pain, over came and soldiered on.  Many times over the past few years I have considered starting this blog back up but with my current job I was concerned about any repercussions for voicing my opinion on any manner of thing.  And then it hit me that the President of the United States has social media, and there doesn't seem to be any repercussions for his use of it or him expressing his opinion so let's give it a shot, shall we?

So today Joe and I went to Barnes and Noble so that he could use a gift card that he received for Christmas.  Is there anything better than a bookstore? If when I die, I wind up in a bookstore, I will know that I have arrived in heaven.  I had a joke here about how I would know that I had taken a wrong turn but it seems that I am still censoring myself just in case, but trust me it was funny.  Before we left I asked our son if he wanted to come with us, he considered it for a moment but once I mentioned that we were going to the bookstore it was a hard pass.  We tend to spend a considerable amount of time at bookstores, because for us it isn't a shopping experience it is more like a walking meditation.  There aren't many sections at the bookstore that don't pique my interest.  As I search the hobby section I wonder what new thing I can learn today, as I search the philosophy and self-help section I wonder about the person I can become, and if I just don't want to be me for awhile I can always escape into any manner of fiction book and become someone else for awhile.  So many books, so many ideas, but such limited funds.  Shoot!  Today I liberated two books for myself...a Get Your Sh*t Together Journal and You Do You, both by Sarah Knight.  I'll try to follow up once I've read them, but I expect between our current therapy regimen and these books I will definitely be ready to take over the world in a matter of weeks, so you have that to look forward to.

After touching every book in Barnes and Noble, twice, we headed for sustenance.  Mmmmm, Freebirds.  Then we made a quick pitstop at Michael's ( the craft store) so that I could pick up a small embroidery hoop for a new hobby that I'm attempting because apparently one million unfinished craft projects isn't enough.  Ahem, any way, I had to walk down every aisle even though I just went after one item because it's the rule.  I don't make the rules, I just follow them.  And as I start to head down the next aisle I encounter Influenza Iris.  This lady, and I use that term loosely because she is NO lady, is coughing her damn head off.  Which, fine, it happens but this lady is coughing full force just open mouth onto everything.  She didn't even attempt to cover her mouth, no turning her head into her shoulder, nothing!  So Iris got to keep everything on that aisle to herself because no ma'am, I don't need no flu with my arts and crafts.  I actually made it out only spending $2.05 so maybe I have Iris to thank for that. Thank you Iris!

Made it home before dark which our son had jokes about but here we are.  I spit this out onto the page with very little editing and even less forethought so hopefully this will be more coherent in the future or maybe I'll just stop doing it all together again, only time will tell.  My love to you all!