This one's for you T.D.
Dear Diary,
These last few weeks have been crazy busy. Between volunteering, meetings, and wrapping up the school year I sometimes feel like I meet myself coming and going. Since last we spoke I have had PTO, school board, and athletic booster club meetings, a field trip for Little Miss, awards ceremony and field trip for Mister Man, Field day, PTO fundraiser and book fair. WHEW!
Highlights of the past are now reading the blog of none other than the new PTO president, YAY! At the last school board meeting EVERY member was present, Go School Board! I'm excited about the new Booster club, I think it is going to be a great addition to the school. Field trip with Little Miss was fun, always fun to be a kid again. Mister Man received awards for many things but my favorite was for the most A.R. Points in the school with 294 points, for this he received a season pass to the local swimming hole. And the PTO fundraiser was a success, WOOHOO!
Field day......ah, field day. I always loved field day as a kid. We got to go to the big stadium and it always smelled like fresh cut grass. To this day mowing the lawn takes me right back to field day as a kid. We would step onto that field and I swear we felt like we were in the Olympics. You could hear the Rocky soundtrack playing as you approached the starting line and the roar of the crowd made you feel like you were invincible. I love that Little Miss has a coach that gives her these same great memories. At our school we had field day in the morning and a carnival in the afternoon. At my daughter's school they have field day in the morning and water day in the afternoon. So.Much.Fun.

Book fair, once again, a childhood favorite. I've always been a voracious reader, so when the book fair carts would roll into our school it was like my birthday all over again. You never knew what they would bring or where those stories would take you. I have to say that working a book fair, well, it's not quite as magical. Haha! Don't get me wrong, I Love Working Book Fair! I love the other volunteers, I love our fearless librarian, and I still love those carts and the books on them. However there are some things about book fair that you just don't realize until you work one or five. If anyone has contacts at Scholastic please, Dear God, tell me why they can't just include tax on all of their books. We do it in our business, everything we sale has tax included then come tax time we just back the tax out of the purchase price and turn that over to the IRS. How hard could it be? Because no matter how many times we tell the kids they just don't understand tax. Those of us that work the book fair bring our piggy banks for just this reason. And those kids that can't afford books but want to read, well, it's nice when money magically appears for them. All in all, it's a great week. We get to foster a love of reading in a new generation, us girls get in our therapy sessions, and we also get reading material to last until the next book fair.
Well, that about does it for today Diary. This afternoon we will head to Louisiana for our family reunion, which will require it's own post come Sunday or Monday.
Much Love,
Dear Diary,
These last few weeks have been crazy busy. Between volunteering, meetings, and wrapping up the school year I sometimes feel like I meet myself coming and going. Since last we spoke I have had PTO, school board, and athletic booster club meetings, a field trip for Little Miss, awards ceremony and field trip for Mister Man, Field day, PTO fundraiser and book fair. WHEW!
Highlights of the past are now reading the blog of none other than the new PTO president, YAY! At the last school board meeting EVERY member was present, Go School Board! I'm excited about the new Booster club, I think it is going to be a great addition to the school. Field trip with Little Miss was fun, always fun to be a kid again. Mister Man received awards for many things but my favorite was for the most A.R. Points in the school with 294 points, for this he received a season pass to the local swimming hole. And the PTO fundraiser was a success, WOOHOO!
Field day......ah, field day. I always loved field day as a kid. We got to go to the big stadium and it always smelled like fresh cut grass. To this day mowing the lawn takes me right back to field day as a kid. We would step onto that field and I swear we felt like we were in the Olympics. You could hear the Rocky soundtrack playing as you approached the starting line and the roar of the crowd made you feel like you were invincible. I love that Little Miss has a coach that gives her these same great memories. At our school we had field day in the morning and a carnival in the afternoon. At my daughter's school they have field day in the morning and water day in the afternoon. So.Much.Fun.
Book fair, once again, a childhood favorite. I've always been a voracious reader, so when the book fair carts would roll into our school it was like my birthday all over again. You never knew what they would bring or where those stories would take you. I have to say that working a book fair, well, it's not quite as magical. Haha! Don't get me wrong, I Love Working Book Fair! I love the other volunteers, I love our fearless librarian, and I still love those carts and the books on them. However there are some things about book fair that you just don't realize until you work one or five. If anyone has contacts at Scholastic please, Dear God, tell me why they can't just include tax on all of their books. We do it in our business, everything we sale has tax included then come tax time we just back the tax out of the purchase price and turn that over to the IRS. How hard could it be? Because no matter how many times we tell the kids they just don't understand tax. Those of us that work the book fair bring our piggy banks for just this reason. And those kids that can't afford books but want to read, well, it's nice when money magically appears for them. All in all, it's a great week. We get to foster a love of reading in a new generation, us girls get in our therapy sessions, and we also get reading material to last until the next book fair.
Well, that about does it for today Diary. This afternoon we will head to Louisiana for our family reunion, which will require it's own post come Sunday or Monday.
Much Love,